Source code and dataset for KDD 2019 paper "Representation Learning for Attributed Multiplex Heterogeneous Network"
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多种类型节点情况如何使用 #123

Closed zzzengzhe closed 1 year ago

zzzengzhe commented 1 year ago

我的数据是有多种类型节点的,这种情况下如何使用。从您的readme中说的是, If your dataset contains several node types and you want to use meta-path based random walk, you should also provide an additional file as follows:

node_type.txt: Each line contains two tokens , where should be consistent with the meta-path schema in the training command, i.e., --schema node_type_1-node_type_2-...-node_type_k-node_type_1. (Note that the first node type in the schema should equals to the last node type.) 但是您的代码中还没有这个功能是吗?