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If storageClass name is provided in values.yaml, generated pvc still shows storageclass as "" #200

Closed jgirase closed 3 years ago

jgirase commented 3 years ago

In values.yaml, provide storageclass name as efs-sc as below,


Required for sharednothing and store in all cloud providers

pvProvisioningMode: dynamic # Default set to dynamic, For aws eks(dynamic or static) and fargate set to static, and storageClass: efs-sc #Use one of the available storage classes as per your preference, for aws cluster with pvProvisioningMode:dynamic efs file system it creates a new storageclass, for pvProvisioningMode:static leave the storageclass field empty snclaimVolume: pv0003

Generate yaml files using dry-run , it shows storageclass as empty so the one user provided not used anywhere.

Source: BE Helm Chart/templates/rms-pvc.yaml

kind: PersistentVolumeClaim apiVersion: v1 metadata: name: "rms-sn-rms-pvc-webstudio" spec:
storageClassName: "" accessModes:

LakshmiMekala commented 3 years ago

This is expected for pvProvisioningMode:static, eks fargate and eks cluster do not require any storageclass, User need to create required directories as per the requirement, inside efs file system like: data-store,logs etc,

This is not an issue

jgirase commented 3 years ago

This has been observed for pvProvisioningMode: dynamic let us know if its expected?

LakshmiMekala commented 3 years ago

When cpType=aws,pvProvisioningMode: dynamic, storageClass: set to empty, be helm deployment will create a storageclass with prefixing releasename(-be-sc).

LakshmiMekala commented 3 years ago

There is an issue with cpType=aws,pvProvisioningMode: dynamic, storageClass: set to empty. Fixed the issue in PR #194

jgirase commented 3 years ago

Its working as expected with latest changes available in branch feature-rms-helm. Find attached logs for reference. rms-dynamic.log