If an author during submission provides identifiers that also have geospatial metadata, such as an IGSN, using the PID Manager plugin (https://github.com/GaziYucel/pidManager), then the geoplugin can be extended to integrate the directly or indirectly available information on location data from the PIDs. For example, when an author includes an IGSN, the associated metadata set is retrieved and, if available, the spatial and temporal metadata is inserted as a suggestion in the existing data entry form. If these suggestions are not taken into account and non-overlapping information is entered manually, an internal validation of the metadata during the publication process provides a warning that linked datasets have conflicting content.
If an author during submission provides identifiers that also have geospatial metadata, such as an IGSN, using the PID Manager plugin (https://github.com/GaziYucel/pidManager), then the geoplugin can be extended to integrate the directly or indirectly available information on location data from the PIDs. For example, when an author includes an IGSN, the associated metadata set is retrieved and, if available, the spatial and temporal metadata is inserted as a suggestion in the existing data entry form. If these suggestions are not taken into account and non-overlapping information is entered manually, an internal validation of the metadata during the publication process provides a warning that linked datasets have conflicting content.