CellViT: Vision Transformers for Precise Cell Segmentation and Classification
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can use in cytopathology? #1

Closed TingsongYu closed 1 year ago

TingsongYu commented 1 year ago

Your work is amazing! I was wondering if a method similar to CellViT could be used for detecting pathological cells and classifying WSI levels in digital pathology digital slides (such as cervical cancer cell detection). I would appreciate your suggestions. Thank you!

FabianHoerst commented 1 year ago

Thank you for the compliment! In general, this repo could help in detecting cervical cancer cells, but additional fine-tuning would be necessary, I gues. Just give it a try. You may also check other solutions like CLAM or this work: https://proceedings.mlr.press/v156/butke21a It depends on your data.