TIP-Global-Health / eheza-documentation

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Minor edits of governance document. #12

Open leowea opened 1 year ago

leowea commented 1 year ago

@adamhstewart I made some edits on this document, mostly to address some french to english translation issues. You'll need to cross check where the changes are against the wiki page- sorry I couldn't find a more straightforward way to do this!

E-Heza Governance The purpose of this document is to provide descriptions of the various internal and external committees that contribute to the governance of E-Heza. These committees of stakeholders contribute to the successful expansion of E-Heza in terms of clinical functionality, software development and geography.

This document summarizes committee members' roles and responsibilities, as well as the committee member selection criteria:

The following committees are affiliated with E-Heza:

E-Heza Executive Committee TIP Global Health Steering Committee Ministry of Health Digital Health Technical Working Group (TWG) Reproductive and Maternal Newborn child health Technical Working Group Community Health Technical Working Group E-Heza Partners Technical Working Group

E-Heza Executive Committee The primary function of the E-Heza executive committee is to contribute to the efficient operation of E-Heza. It has ultimate responsibility for directing the E-Heza activity, ensuring it is well run and delivering the outcomes for which it has been set up. It provides leadership support to E-Heza by:

Setting the strategic direction to guide and direct the activities of the E-Heza team; Ensuring the effective management of the organisation and its activities; and Monitoring the activities of the organisation to ensure they are in line with the mission The committee has membership consisting of the following:

TIP Global Health Executive Director Country Director Director of Health Innovation Director Of E-Heza E-Heza CTO E-Heza Program manager E-Heza Product Designer J&J secondment team assigned on E-Heza tasks External consultant working on E-Heza Board advisor committee representative Each member should bring their individual knowledge, accountability, broad view on E-heza product design, development, implementation and scale up. The attendance of everyone is valuable and necessary.

Role of the Executive Committee The executive Committee ensures that everything E-heza does supports its vision, purpose and aims. They establish the fundamental values, the ethical principles and strategic direction in which the E-Heza program operates.

Executive Committee Calendar Executive committee meets weekly (every Thursday) they decide together the activities going to be implemented within the next week, review ongoing activities and each team member provides updates on assigned tasks.

They also set different goals for EHeza in terms of design, development and implementation while also ensuring that they provide ongoing mentorship to the entire Eheza team.

TIP Global Health Steering Committee The Steering Committee is a body of strong leaders which provides support, guidance and oversight to the progress of Clinical Care Program activities. Together with TIP Global Health, the committee makes decisions concerning implementation of future TIP action plans by following the TIP philosophy and processes. The committee has 22 members. This includes two representatives from eight different health centers. The steering committee members are:

Hospital Representatives: Medical Director of Ruli District Hospital Physician in charge of HIV Services Nutritionist Health Center Representatives: Titulaire of Health Center Elected Clinical Care Program staff member Clinical Care Program Participant Representatives: 2 participants elected by Clinical Care Program participant sub-committees TIP Global Health Representatives: Country Director Each member should bring their individual knowledge, accountability, broad view on Clinical Care Program functionality and skills to the Committee.

Role of the Steering Committee The Steering Committee’s role is to provide advice -timeline-practical assistance; ensure delivery of the project outputs and the achievement of project outcomes.

Responsibilities of of the Steering Committee Ensure Clinical Care Program goals are being met, and Ministry of Health protocols application is incorporated into Clinical Care Program activities. Ensure systematization across program to all sites Provide daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly, annual advice and practical assistance to program when needed. Continuous Quality Improvement E-Heza Ensure that Health Assessment are well performed monthly, Observational Checklist & Continuous Quality Improvement are conducted every four months at each Health Center, as well as Plan Do Study Act (PDSA)which leads to the success of E-Heza Delegate and supervise evaluate HCs through ongoing quality improvement. Provide Education and Training related to importance of accurate data collection and reporting for the benefit of following trends in individual clinical care and program management. Strengthen Clinical Care Program related CBNP activities. Review E-Heza modules and contributed to the focus group by providing feedback on the application features and wireframes. Steering Committee Calendar Steering committee meets quarterly. During meetings, members set/review dates for the next meeting in advance and seek commitment from the members of the Committee to attend every meeting.

E-Heza Digital Health Technical Working Group E-HEZA TWG brings together different experts in digital health, designers, developers and maternal child health to provide their expertise and feedback on E-Heza during each stage from Background research, design, development and implementation.

The following members will be invite to join the group:

Rwanda Ministry of Health Rwanda Biomedical Center Rwanda Information Society Authority The Global Fund to Fight AIDS, TB and Malaria TIP Global Health UNICEF World Health Organization Rwanda CDC Rwanda Belgian Development Agency (Enabel) IntraHealth Medicus Mundi Kibagabaga Referral Hospital Nemba District Hospital Ruli District Hospital Health Builders Other E-Heza Affiliated Working Groups Reproductive and Maternal Newborn child health Technical Working groups Community Health Technical Working E-Heza partners Technical Working Group

adamhstewart commented 1 year ago

Thanks @leowea ! These changes are made an in the process of deploy.