TIPOFF / addresses

Laravel Package to manage addresses & interact with Address API
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Update Domestic address livewire component #72 #75 [TGER-133] #119

Closed devjk1 closed 3 years ago

devjk1 commented 3 years ago

Updated the Livewire component

Note: This Livewire version must handle session tokens manually. The Javascript version it is handled automatically with Google classes. I am using the Laravel helper Str::uuid(). Since all instances of TGER apps will be using one Places API key, I believe the session tokens must be unique across all app instances.. or else large costs. I am not sure if Str::uuid() can accomplish making unique UUID's across all app instances.

We tried running this in the Demo app, but getting errors trying to pull in this component. I believe it is because the resources folder is on the same level as 'src'. Errors: View [livewire.domestic-address-search-bar] not found. If we added the package name in livewire component DomesticAddressSearchBar::render, public function render() { return view('addresses::livewire.domestic-address-search-bar'); } we got this error No hint path defined for [addresses].

pdbreen commented 3 years ago

I don't understand why you are using livewire. (livewire dot) as prefix. Based on how its being registered, should either be <livewire:domestic-address-search-bar /> or @livewire('domestic-address-search-bar')

edit: add ->hasViews() to the AddressesServiceProvider (I misunderstood where the "livewire dot" syntax was being used)

devjk1 commented 3 years ago

The Demo app cannot find the view on line 66 in AddressesServiceProvider No hint path defined for [addresses].

Also making a Service from the outside package, Laravel-google-api

devjk1 commented 3 years ago

The TipoffPackage class does not contain an array for Views, like it does for NovaResources and Policies. I cannot pass more than 1 view to the method hasViews( )

pdbreen commented 3 years ago

The TipoffPackage class does not contain an array for Views, like it does for NovaResources and Policies. I cannot pass more than 1 view to the method hasViews( )

You don't pass it any parameters -- you just need to declare the package has views.

devjk1 commented 3 years ago

I think this should be good to go now. All tests are throwing this error

Illuminate\Contracts\Container\BindingResolutionException: Target class [livewire] does not exist.

devjk1 commented 3 years ago

For use in a 'Project Instance', I believe you do this. Javascript version use view('addresses::domestic-address-search-bar-javascript') Livewire version use normally @livewire('domestic-address-search-bar')

pdbreen commented 3 years ago

For use in a 'Project Instance', I believe you do this. Javascript version use view('addresses::domestic-address-search-bar-javascript') Livewire version use normally @livewire('domestic-address-search-bar')

Correct (or <livewire:domestic-address-search-bar/>), but not sure why @drewroberts wants both a livewire and a non-livewire version. Since both depend on javascript, having 2 different implementations of the same thing doesn't make sense to me. More testing, harder maintenance, etc

devjk1 commented 3 years ago

Pulling a Service 'PlacesApi', but returns null https://github.com/tipoff/addresses/blob/15bc48b3c4ee34444643ccd4cccfbcfdf86eeb23/src/Http/Livewire/DomesticAddressSearchBar.php#L25-L29

Service is from laravel-google-api Package here https://github.com/tipoff/laravel-google-api/blob/59b98f33e1d624bed5942e580c7655e33d4135e3/src/GoogleApiServiceProvider.php#L73-L79

it accepts 3 params from env, and can all be null (I set the key in demo)

devjk1 commented 3 years ago

(fixed) Not allowed to use Object/Service as Livewire component Property

The service IS null Call to a member function placeAutocomplete() on null https://github.com/tipoff/addresses/blob/15bc48b3c4ee34444643ccd4cccfbcfdf86eeb23/src/Http/Livewire/DomesticAddressSearchBar.php#L91-L94

devjk1 commented 3 years ago

To use this Livewire component in a Demo app, render the stack (JS portion of Livewire component) in the head of the layout file stack named 'domestic-address-search-bar'

ex. layouts.app

    @stack ('addresses::domestic-address-search-bar')
    @yield ('content')

ex. view-that-uses-search-bar-component

@extends ('layouts.app')

@section ('content')
@livewire ('addresses::domestic-address-search-bar')
devjk1 commented 3 years ago

--fixed-- Have a working draft. You can test on the Demo app, I made a branch called "setup" Endpoint is "/test" Add to .env GOOGLE_PLACES_API_KEY="" GOOGLE_PLACES_VERIFY_SSL=true

There is still a bug where Google is returning partial addresses, when the search box query does not start with a number. Make sure to start queries with numbers to get exact addresses. Drew I will incorporate the changes you mentioned, but I wanted to get a draft out.

phuclh commented 3 years ago

@devjk1 All tests are green now.