TIPOFF / addresses

Laravel Package to manage addresses & interact with Address API
MIT License
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Add vanilla address component and Nova address field. #151

Closed phuclh closed 3 years ago

phuclh commented 3 years ago

Demo: https://youtu.be/RdK0jyGWl98

Component Usage:

Insert the script file to the page:

<script src="{{ asset('js/address.js') }}" async defer type="text/javascript"></script>

Setup the Google API key:

    googleApiKey: '{{ config('google-api.services.places.key') }}',
    predictionListElement: document.getElementById('results-list'),
    placeElement: document.getElementById('attributions')

Then we can do something like this:

Get all predictions from Google API.

Address.getPredictions(query = '123 Street')
.then(res => {
.catch(error => {

Show/hide prediction list:


Get address info of a place_id:

.then(res => {
    document.getElementById('address-line-1').value = res.addressLine1;
    document.getElementById('city').value = res.city;
    document.getElementById('state').value = res.state;
    document.getElementById('zip').value = res.zip;


Nova Field Usage:

This will create an auto-complete input.

Address::make('Address', 'address_line_1')->postalCode('zip_code'),

When you click an option from the Address field, it will fill other fields like city, postal code, state, etc.


Text::make('Zip', 'zip_code')->required(),

By default, the Address field will auto-complete the associated address fields based on their field names. The Place field will automatically fill fields named address_line_2, city, state, postal_code. However, you may customize the field names that should be auto-completed using the following methods:

Fixes #72 #75