TIY-DC-ROR-2015-Jan / course-notes

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Todo Rails #199

Closed jamesdabbs closed 9 years ago

jamesdabbs commented 9 years ago

Due on Mar 04 @ 09:00am Build a robust Todo list manager using Rails


Learning Objectives

After completing this assignment, you should:

A repo containing a Rails app with the following:


Normal Mode

rob-hutchinson commented 9 years ago


My interface doesn't look very good but I was more concerned with practicing using rails than making the html and css look pretty. I couldn't get the delete function to work.

rob-hutchinson commented 9 years ago

Wait! I got deletes to work after today's lecture. Forgot about / didn't know about button_to or form_tag.

kdmcclin commented 9 years ago

One thing I noticed is that if I try to go somewhere that I don't have permission to, say '/lists/2' or something, then sign in, it redirects me to that '/lists/2' page whether it exists or not. Not a huge problem, but definitely something that you'd want to think about on a larger project.

Also, I can see lists belonging to other users.

kdmcclin commented 9 years ago

Double checking today, but I can see the list belonging to the other use and the page where you add items to that list, but then it errors out (as it should) because "Couldn't find List with 'id'=1 [WHERE "lists"."user_id" = ?]".