TIY-Durham / 2015-FALL-FEE

Class repo for the Front-End Engineering class of the Fall 2015 cohort at TIY Durham
18 stars 12 forks source link

12 -- Jasmine Baik #260

Closed boshnivolo closed 8 years ago

boshnivolo commented 8 years ago
boshnivolo commented 8 years ago

Results of the pwd command in TIY-Assignments: /Users/Jasmine/Documents/TIY-Assignments

boshnivolo commented 8 years ago

New Journal Week 3 PR: https://github.com/boshnivolo/boshnivolo.github.io/pull/8

New Branch in TIY-Assignments PR: https://github.com/boshnivolo/TIY-Assignments/pull/15

boshnivolo commented 8 years ago

Reviewed Nicki's Tutorial: https://github.com/nickycadavillo/nickycadavillo.github.io/pull/4

Reviewed JR's Tutorial: https://github.com/jeffworley/jeffworley.github.io/pull/10

boshnivolo commented 8 years ago

A new package.json has appeared within TIY-Assignments. Most likely due to the fact it contains the necessary contents to run node-sass's dictionary properly. Or, you know, maybe it's just lonely and wanted to party.

boshnivolo commented 8 years ago

which node-sass /usr/local/bin/node-sass

boshnivolo commented 8 years ago

node-sass --help gives me a big ol' list of all the possible helper tags available through sassy nodes.

boshnivolo commented 8 years ago

Yo, which yo, yo? /usr/local/bin/yo

It's in my local.

boshnivolo commented 8 years ago

which generator-h5bp generator-h5bp not found WHY?

The global install worked...but for whatever reason it can be found.

boshnivolo commented 8 years ago

yo --help tells me about some of it's many hobbies, like overwriting files and disabling colors.

kellymurray commented 8 years ago

.scss.css should actually be .scss. So for example, styles.css becomes styles.scss. :)

Looks like you committed some node_modules again?

Incomplete given because:

EDIT: I found the repo - please include a link to all work from here on out! Don't close this issue yet, please.

Grade revised - we discussed in hallway why but please link all work in the future, even if it's not on the checklist...our apologies, too. :)

al-the-x commented 8 years ago

Please review and close...

al-the-x commented 8 years ago

Please review and close...