TIY-Durham / 2015-FALL-FEE

Class repo for the Front-End Engineering class of the Fall 2015 cohort at TIY Durham
18 stars 12 forks source link

20-Matt Oliverio #392

Closed ironyarder77 closed 9 years ago

ironyarder77 commented 9 years ago
* **Yak-Shaving**
  * [ ] Create a _WIP Issue_ with links to:
    * your PR in `USERNAME.github.io`
      * [ ] from `journal-week-5` into `master`
      * [ ] from `release--0.0.0` into `master`
    * [ ] your PR in `TIY-GitHub` from `release--0.0.2` into `master`
    * [ ] your PRs in `TIY-GitHub` from `feature--*` (multiple) into `release--0.0.2`
  * [ ] **MERGE YOUR OPEN PRs!**
    * [ ] in `USERNAME.github.io` from `journal-week-4` into `master`
    * [ ] in `TIY-Chessboard`
    * [ ] in `TIY-GitHub` (from last week)
  * [ ] Create the following _WIP Branch_ in:
    * `USERNAME.github.io`
      * [ ] named `journal-week-5` from `master`
      * [ ] named `release--0.0.0` from `master`
    * `TIY-GitHub`
      * [ ] named `release--0.0.2` from `master`
      * [ ] named `feature--profile-placeholders` from `release--0.0.2`
      * [ ] named `feature--FILL_ME_IN` from `release--0.0.2`
  * [ ] Create or update the following _WIP Files_ in:
    * `USERNAME.github.io:journal-week-5`
      * `journal-week-5.md` or something creative
      * `tutorial-week-5.md` or something creative
      * `resource-week-5.md` or something creative
    * `USERNAME.github.io:release--0.0.0`
      * `.gitignore` -- with the following patterns:
        * `/dist`
        * `/node_modules`
        * `/bower_components`
        * `css`
      * `package.json` -- and `npm install --link --save-dev`
        * `bower`
        * `browser-sync`
        * `gulp`
        * `node-sass`
      * `specs/` -- for **BEAST MODE**
      * `src/` -- from `yo h5bp`
        * `js/`
          * `main.js`
          * nothing else!
        * `scss/`
          * `_common.scss`
          * `_desktop.scss`
          * `_mobile.scss`
          * `_tablet.scss`
          * `main.scss` -- with `@import` links to above
        * `css/` -- DELETED!
        * `index.html`
    * `TIY-GitHub:release--0.0.2`
      * `apis/github/users/`
        * `USERNAME.json` -- for _your_ profile data
        * `USERNAME/`
          * `repos.json` -- for _your_ repository data
          * `activity.json` -- for _your_ public events
      * `src/`
        * `scss/_custom.scss` -- to clean up your (S)CSS
        * `js/main.js` -- in case you need to catch up on `jQuery.ajax`
        * `index.html`
* **Journal, Week 5**
  * [ ] Resource Journal _Draft_
  * [ ] Reflective Journal _Outline_
  * [ ] Tutorial _Outline_
* **Reading APIs**
  * [ ] All caught up!
* **GitHub Revolution** -- Now with MORE CHECKBOXES!
  * [ ] `feature--my-little-profile`
    * [ ] `USERNAME.json`
    * [ ] `USERNAME/repos.json`
    * [ ] `USERNAME/activity.json`
  * [ ] `feature--profile-placeholders`
    * [ ] Please state your `name`...
    * [ ] Would you like to `login`?
    * [ ] Octocat is a `company` man, er... monster.
    * [ ] Last known `location`?
    * [ ] You've got `email`!
    * [ ] Don't forget the missing `link`...!
    * [ ] Wait, gimme a `moment` to figure this out...
  * [ ] `feature--main-column-tabs`
    * [ ] Seems like this is `<nav>`-igation...
    * [ ] Don't just _use_ the Octicons, _become_ the Octicons...
    * [ ] Is that _really_ a `<button>`?
    * [ ] To start, just _make_ one `.active`...
    * [ ] Don't settle for less than interactive!
    * [ ] Every `.tabs` needs `.panels`...
  * [ ] `feature--repo-list-layout`
    * [ ] If I _wanted_ to `Search`...
    * [ ] ...or filter!
    * [ ] This cat sure likes nursery rhymes...
    * [ ] ...about CSS, apparently.
    * [ ] Stars and forks forever!
    * [ ] How does he/she/it find time for these updates?
    * [ ] Don't tell me you forgot all the links!
    * [ ] And the World says "Hello" to you, too!
    * [ ] 3 Examples is enough to derive a pattern from...
  * **BEAST MODE** `feature--repo-list-placeholders`
    * What do "Spoon-Knife" and "Hello-World" have in common?
    * Don't tell me you forgot the links again!
    * That `description` is not very descriptive...
    * She said we don't speak the same `language`.
    * What do you call a vampire who practice astrology? `stargazer_count`
    * It's like ten thousand `forks` when all you need is a `"Spoon-Knife"`
kellymurray commented 9 years ago

Please close.