TIY-Durham / 2015-FALL-FEE

Class repo for the Front-End Engineering class of the Fall 2015 cohort at TIY Durham
18 stars 12 forks source link

24 -- Camille Mauban #437

Open cmauban opened 9 years ago

cmauban commented 9 years ago
cmauban commented 9 years ago

And the Beat Goes On

You know the drill by now, don't ya? 1 reflective journal, 1 tutorial journal, 1 resource (bookmark) journal in a branch of your USERNAME.github.io repo called journal-week-6... which should be from master with a PR back into master. Since you've now got such a nice place to put all those _posts/, why not put 'em there?

Reminder about format:

If you're linking your Resource Journal to the top-level page of some API documentation, you're doing it wrong. Drill down to a specific piece of the documentation instead and explain why and when it's useful.

If you have more than 5 steps, your Tutorial Journal might be too long for our time constraints. Try splitting it up into a series of posts that you can continue working on and put any additional ideas in your parking lot for later.


Bet you've still got some work on that awesome template, don't you? Why not start working on another incremental release in the meantime? Maybe just a tiny feature?

Reading APIs: Etsy

As you can tell, we'll be working with the Etsy API documentation this week to build out our catalog. Prepare yourself to answer the following questions about the API; more coming tomorrow!

Shaping Up with Angular JS

Throughout the week, you'll be assigned a piece of Shaping Up with Angular JS on CodeShool to work through. For tonight, play through the entire course by watching the videos and just taking the answers on the challenge. Type them yourself -- quickly -- to move forward. Take a screenshot of your badge for the course when you complete and attach it to your WIP Issue.

From GitHub With Love

Last week you built out your GitHub profile and realized... Github doesn't use breakpoints. There are no Media Queries whatsoever. Use the Devive Inspector in Chrome Dev Tools to switch your User-Agent (UA) identifier to a mobile device and reload into a whole new world. That's adaptive rather than responsive, and that's a problem.

Let's fix it!

Your solo assignment for the week is to make your GitHub profile responsive by adding Media Queries... and a little invention. Tonight, document the modifications you'll need to make in your specs/ folder. Cut a new release--* branch from master and a new branch from that called feature--responsive-yaks for this work.


If you're looking for trouble, maybe you should clean up that GitHub profile a little in some additional feature branches? Remember, use as little markup as you need and pick classes and tags that convey meaning.

Planning is Important!

This week we're going to build a couple of pages from Etsy.com, and that means we need some yaks shaved! Fork the class project and then clone your fork locally. Pick a feature from our User Story list and claim it in the Slack channel. Convert it to an Issue in the main repo and assign it to yourself. Could use some more details... Maybe a checklist...

Create a feature called feature/planning-YOUR-FEATURE, where YOUR-FEATURE is the name of your feature, of course. Skitch some screenshots of your feature in specs/ and open a PR back to TIY-Durham:develop.

Logistically, you'll be working in 3-person teams this week. Form teams yourselves, but run them by us for approval. Try to work with folks that you haven't already worked with.

We should start with the "Trending" page but quickly explore a single "Product Detail" page. Etsy also lists products that match a search result and curates their own "Featured Collections". Let's see how far we can get!


We've got new tools this week -- GulpJS and a host of plugins. You should already have installed GulpJS globally, but if not, go ahead and do so. No need to assign them as dependencies yet... we'll do that together.

cmauban commented 9 years ago

JOURNAL- https://github.com/cmauban/cmauban.github.io/pull/27

SHAVE AND LET DIE- https://github.com/TIY-Durham/TIY-Catalog/issues/8

TIY-GITHUB- feature responsive yaks into release 0.0.4: https://github.com/cmauban/TIY-GitHub/pull/13 release 0.0.4 into master: https://github.com/cmauban/TIY-GitHub/pull/14 have not merged

COMMENTS- https://github.com/karjac14/karjac14.github.io/pull/24 https://github.com/ericksonk/ericksonk.github.io/pull/31 https://github.com/rosalsm/rosalsm.github.io/pull/27

cmauban commented 9 years ago
screen shot 2015-10-13 at 1 05 42 am