TIY-Durham / 2016-SPRING-FEE

Class Repository for Front End Engineering in Spring 2016 at The Iron Yard in Durham, NC
12 stars 1 forks source link

00 -- Daniel #14

Open dpip opened 8 years ago

dpip commented 8 years ago
dpip commented 8 years ago

20 questions:

What is the best way to ask a question? -Often. Raise your hand. Do so to expand your existing knowledge or skill (or lack of either), regardless if you're right or wrong. Don't fall into the binary trap of success / failure! How can you explicitly schedule time with your instructor to review a problem? -During lab time or scheduling time using calendy. Are there any other times that we're available? -Requesting time in advance with instructors and notify outside of office hours due to emergency directly. Short one on one meetings are scheduled on a rotating basis as well. What are the three possible grades applied to every assignment? What do they mean? -Incomplete, not yet, and satisfactory. What is the link to your GitHub profile? Your profile image?


In what week do we plan to review material? -Week 6! At what time does class begin? Is attendance mandatory? -Class begins at 9am sharp! Yes! After what amount of time are you counted late? -It's up to the instructor's discretion. If you know you will be running late, give notice. When are you counted absent? Does that matter? -Two tardies in a week equally one absence, missing lectures, and actually being absent. Yes. This is an immersive course, it's fast paced. You'll fall behind if you aren't present. What is the most common kind of mistake in programming? -Typographic mistakes. What are some strategies you can use to work through a difficult problem? -Google, google, google! Ask your peers / instructors for help. There are plenty of forums to access as well. What exactly is the ⌥ key, anyway? -Option. What do you think will be the biggest barrier to your success in this class? -Focus. I'm easily distracted, which can lead to mediocre work. Though, when i'm truly excited / immersed in something, I get with the flow. How can you identify with the Growth and Fixed Mindsets? In what areas do you feel fixed? Where do you see the most potential for growth? -I've felt stagnant the past couple of years. I tried the conventional "get a degree at a university track" off and on, not because i wanted to, because i felt obligated to. So for I've definitely wasted some time trying to show others how great i am, trying to be validated by society. I struggle with the fixed mindset, the feeling, that my lack of focus is something Im stuck with. But it's true that, with practice, you can improve. No one can foresee what time and dedication will foster in someone. I believe this course is going to habitually train my mind to focus on tasks at hand, to plan ahead, to dig deep. Do you consider yourself a top-down or bottom-up thinker and why? -Bottom up. I, at least creatively, usually start with a small idea or spark then elaborate until a picture or goal is created. With songwriting, i usually come up with small pieces of lyrics and then pice them together into a song. What do you think about your "learning style" and the debate about their validity? Which would you categorize yourself as and why? -If i had to chose i'd be in Davi Kolb's model - a Converger. I'm constantly thinking outside of the box, usually wandering out of context, but still conceptualizing abstractly. I retain more hands on and I'd consider situational problem solving to be one of my strong suits, especially within design.

dpip commented 8 years ago

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dpip commented 8 years ago

screen shot 2016-01-27 at 1 57 43 pm

dpip commented 8 years ago

screen shot 2016-01-31 at 9 23 40 am

dpip commented 8 years ago

screen shot 2016-01-31 at 9 53 11 am

dpip commented 8 years ago