TIY-Durham / 2016-SPRING-FEE

Class Repository for Front End Engineering in Spring 2016 at The Iron Yard in Durham, NC
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00 -- Dennis Goldin #8

Open dennisgoldin opened 8 years ago

dennisgoldin commented 8 years ago
dennisgoldin commented 8 years ago

Activity 3a

What is the best way to ask a question? Research your question first. If you are unable to find the answer, then ask for help.

How can you explicitly schedule time with your instructor to review a problem? Using the instructors’ Calendy links is the easiest way. Slack messaging and other social media contacts are available for scheduling with instructors.

Are there any other times that we're available? Instructors have offices hours during lab time and as posted during the cohort. Individual meetings are scheduled throughout the cohort for progress review. Individual meetings may also be scheduled in advanced. Voluntary after hours help is possible but not guaranteed.

What are the three possible grades applied to every assignment? What do they mean? Incomplete [RED] – does not contain links to your working the correct repo, does not match the requirements for branch or file names, does not contain the deliverables for the assignment. Not Yet [ORANGE] - may demonstrate a conceptual deficiency that requires additional study or practice, may not be functionally complete: broken code is still better than no code, may demonstrate a focus on the target while missing the goals: the learning object. Satisfactory [GREEN] – submitted correctly, includes all files and pieces, demonstrates understanding of key concepts and objectives.

What is the link to your GitHub profile? Your profile image? My GitHub Profile My Profile Image

In what week do we plan to review material? Week 6

At what time does class begin? Is attendance mandatory? Class starts at 9:00am unless posted otherwise. Yes, attendance is mandatory.

dennisgoldin commented 8 years ago

Activity 3a (continued)

After what amount of time are you counted late? After 9:00am, it’s at the instructor’s discretion to mark a student tardy. If you are going to be late, notify the instructor as soon as possible.

When are you counted absent? Does that matter? Not showing up for lecture or lab counts as an absence. Two tardies counts as an absence. Yes attendance matters because four absences jeopardizes TIY employment assistance and meeting the required hours for successful completion of the cohort.

What is the most common kind of mistake in programming? Typographical errors.

What are some strategies you can use to work through a difficult problem? When approaching a complex problem, break things into smaller more manageable pieces. Making smaller iterative changes reduces complexity and increases efficiency. Take occasional breaks to avoid burn out. Asking for peer reviews, discussing your issue or listening to others discuss similar problems may help make a breakthrough.

What exactly is the ⌥ key, anyway? It’s the option key. Similar to the ALT key in the Windows environment. The option key is used as a key modifier for accessing functionality and features in OSX and applications.

What do you think will be the biggest barrier to your success in this class? Time management and estimation. The Pomodoro Technique may be in my future.

How can you identify with the Growth and Fixed Mindsets? In what areas do you feel fixed? Where do you see the most potential for growth? Throughout my life, experiences with my family, the church and organizations like the Boy Scouts have instilled in me very similar tenants to the Growth Mindset. I believe any goal is reachable with enough hard work. I don’t feel fixed in a particular area, however, some areas are harder to make strides in than others. It’s more a matter of deciding what is the next area of self-improvement and finding the time to accomplish that goal.

dennisgoldin commented 8 years ago

Activity 3a (continued)

Do you consider yourself a top-down or bottom-up thinker and why? My natural tendency is top down. I like to completely understand the big picture first. Then I tend to organize and solve smaller, more manageable pieces of the solution.

What do you think about your "learning style" and the debate about their validity? Which would you categorize yourself as and why? I think some strong points are made about the lack of sound or complete research in the area of learning styles. The “science” is still evolving in my opinion. I would categorize myself using Neil Fleming’s VAK/VARK model because I can directly relate my success and the way I studied in school to the four modalities in this model. When faced with difficult learning challenges, I think my preference is Visual learning even though It seems I use Auditory and Read/Write learning often to reinforce the Visual learning process.

dennisgoldin commented 8 years ago
dennisgoldin commented 8 years ago
dennisgoldin commented 8 years ago
dennisgoldin commented 8 years ago
dennisgoldin commented 8 years ago
dennisgoldin commented 8 years ago

Reflective Journal: 1-21-2016

Bright Bulb: Using OSX and Apple Hardware; app store and direct download software installation, mindsets, the iterative process, the administrative information, the cohort and instructor information and getting started in GitHub was clear and made sense. GitHub seems really awesome, and my first experience on a Macbook Pro was great.

Dim Bulb: Learning styles. While I was able to digest the general descriptions in the Wiki of the highlighted leaning models, a lot of the terminology and definitions used for the various learning styles and modalities is confusing. I had to do a little more research to answer the related question(s) from Activity 3a.

Completely Dark: Nothing today!

dennisgoldin commented 8 years ago
dennisgoldin commented 8 years ago

Reflective Journal: 1-22-2016

Bright Bulb: I ran through "An Intro to the OS X Command Line" and practiced the basics presented in the tutorial, linking files and changing file permissions. It was all review and nothing totally new. I was reminded about some of the "tricky" behavior the command line brings to the table, and how you really need to think things through before executing certain commands. Also, tinkering around with the command prompt triggered a flood of memories about how to stream files, search files and combine commands. Next I installed the software in Activity 4a. Installation was very straight forward. I read through the Homebrew documentation and while I understood the concepts and basic operation, I still need to study the more advanced topics like formulae and configurability.

Dim Bulb: Nothing today!

Completely Dark: Haha, just the lights at my house... power outage due to the weather :-(

dennisgoldin commented 8 years ago

Reflective Journal: 1-25-2016

Bright Bulb: I continued reviewing the links referenced in the Exercise Checklist. I browsed through the Markdown, Creating Repositories, Making Commits and Pull Requests in GitHub. I also took a look at some of the Web / HTML / CSS links. The good news is a lot of the HTML and CSS is coming back to me, however, I still need more hands on work to shake off the rust. I understand the concepts and terminology so far.

Dim Bulb: Nothing today!

Completely Dark: Nothing today!

dennisgoldin commented 8 years ago

Reflective Journal: 1-26-2016

Bright Bulb: Today was a continuation of yesterday. I worked on GitHub guides and reviewing CSS. So far so good. Gonna spend the next couple of sessions reviewing JavaScript.

Dim Bulb: Nothing today!

Completely Dark: Nothing today!

dennisgoldin commented 8 years ago
dennisgoldin commented 8 years ago

Reflective Journal: 1-31-2016

Bright Bulb: Forked and installed Prezto today. Everything went well except for setting the editor to "Atom". The prezto config file has a section for setting editor keybindings for emacs or vi but no editor variable to set. I'm still researching this issue. Also, I reviewed a little more CSS and JavaScript off and on since my last reflective journal entry.

Dim Bulb: Nothing today!

Completely Dark: Nothing today!

dennisgoldin commented 8 years ago