TIY-LR-FEE-2015-Fall / assignments

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03-octocat-grid Brian Stickney #14

Closed BrianStick closed 8 years ago

BrianStick commented 8 years ago
BrianStick commented 8 years ago


rtablada commented 8 years ago

@BrianStick getting there! Looks like you're using % to set the width of your columns, also use % so that your image fills up your column width.

To add spacing between your items and the border at the bottom, then you can use margin. Just watch out because you'll then have to use calc on your percent width to make up since (33%+10px+10px)*3 will be > 100% (look at use case #3 in this article: https://css-tricks.com/a-couple-of-use-cases-for-calc/)

rtablada commented 8 years ago

From there, you will want to do some float on .number and .name