TIY-LR-FEE-2015-June / assignments

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1.2-layout-basic-Marvin Santiago #15

Open marvinsantiago opened 9 years ago

marvinsantiago commented 9 years ago
marvinsantiago commented 9 years ago


rtablada commented 9 years ago

@santiagomarvin your columns look REALLY good and I like what you did with the search area.

The whole page seems to be stuck at 1250px wide though. I'm sure this is your laptop's regular size and we will be talking today about other screen sizes, but with full width let's try to keep things in percentages, then use px, once we are inside of our layout or for things like min-width.

rtablada commented 9 years ago

Also, I'm not sure why it's not showing up on the pull request for me to comment on, but line 50 has this HTML:

<img class="icon" src="http://31.media.tumblr.com/avatar_38a7797d5b04_64.png" alt"ironyard">

Notice that you forgot an = between alt and "ironyard".

Our new tools should catch issues like this from now on.

marvinsantiago commented 9 years ago


marvinsantiago commented 9 years ago


rtablada commented 9 years ago

@santiagomarvin better

There's still some weirdness with larger screen sizes, but I think we now have better tools to handle this. Don't worry about coming back to fix things but just thought I'd give you a heads up:

screen shot 2015-07-14 at 10 10 11 pm