TIY-LR-FEE-2015-June / assignments

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5.2 - Koans - Jacklyn Carroll #154

Open jacklynlee31 opened 8 years ago

jacklynlee31 commented 8 years ago



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jacklynlee31 commented 8 years ago

PR: https://github.com/jacklynlee31/5.2-koans/pull/1

rtablada commented 8 years ago


On the ApplyingWhatWeHaveLearnt.js file when it says to do the fill in you should be using underscore functions and then putting in a variable not repeating just the answer. That's my bad on not explaining that file.

Also this is after the fact, but can you leave a comment of what this taught you about some of the different array functions, how variables work, etc?

rtablada commented 8 years ago

@jacklynlee31 can you make a comment here on things you ran into, had questions about, or things you learned from this assignment?

jacklynlee31 commented 8 years ago

@rtablada : Parts of this assignment were really difficult for me. I think I'm still having trouble with the longer problems in 'Applying What We Have Learned.' I have it on my list to go back and review this assignment to see what I'm still having trouble with. I'm sure I'll understand more of it now, since we've been reviewing JavaScript/jQuery