TIY-LR-FEE-2015-June / assignments

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5.4-Turn-based Game-ColemanCox #192

Closed ColemanCox closed 8 years ago

ColemanCox commented 8 years ago

A set of sketches (either on paper or digital) of the screens of your app

Character Select Battle Screen (with attack buttons) Game End Screen A list of features within your Github issue broken down into small steps A full project with customized build tools to fit your project A build on Github Pages with link in your Issue Requirements

No JSHint warnings or errors

There should be multiple enemy types.

The enemy type should be randomly generated. There should be multiple player types. You should be able to select the player type from a dropdown. The gameplay should go back and forth between an enemy and the player, each inflicting damage on the other when they launch a successful attack. The player should manually select the "Fight" action to attack. The enemy should automatically attack when it is its turn. You should use constructors and prototypes for the players and enemies. The player's health should be visible. The enemies health may be visible, at your discretion. After either character is killed: show a game end screen Attacks should have a chance of failure Hard Mode

The player should be able to click "Start Over" on the game end screen Show damage when dealt The player should be able to either "Fight" or "Use Magic", or some similar setup. Each player type should have different types of attack and/or magic. (check the weapons and getAttackStrength from our example in class) Give the player the ability to use items, such as items that regain health or increase attack. Make a party of players, rather than just one (a la Final Fantasy). The game play would cycle between Player 1 -> Enemy -> Player 2 -> Enemy, etc. Implement "ailments". E.g. being poisoned makes you weaker, being put to sleep makes you skip your turn.