TIY-LR-FEE-2015-June / assignments

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7.5-get-to-know-ember Scott Green #204

Open scott6455 opened 8 years ago

scott6455 commented 8 years ago


A Issue on Github with

scott6455 commented 8 years ago

//Questions and comments for Ember.js Intro//

Similarities in the Code ==

rtablada commented 8 years ago


the import syntax is part of ES6 to allow modularity and the ability to change out dependencies with minimum impact. If for instance we wanted to instead of using Ember, use something that had the same functions with slightly different behavior we could import Ember from 'other-vendor/ember'; and not change any other code

the .gitkeep files are there so that the folder structure is not lost when committing with git. In git empty folders are not tracked, so adding a blank .gitkeep is a standard way of having a place for future files.

the and, or and alias computed macros are Ember's way of implementing this type of logic while wrapping the existing KVO (Key Value Observer) change event system that exists in Ember. These concepts aren't new and we can use the && and || operators in plain javascript when using standard boolean expressions ie true && false.

There are occasional times where you will find Ember acting weird around data showing up differently. This is often an issue of your own making by passing around more complex data or relying on side-effects. Due to the layers of abstraction, there are ways to change the default auto wiring although I will have to say "there be dragons"

.jshintrc - sets up config for a project with JSHint (the linter that runs when we save a file and it checks for style and syntax errors)

Firebase - a simple to use Platform as a Service. This is essentially a quick and dirty database that we can access directly from the browser. It also performs real time communication via web sockets that makes things like web chat fairly easy.

watchman - this is a program by Facebook that is really good at checking for when files change without locking up the disc or using too much CPU