[x] A Pull Request (or more than one) containing developed features
[x] No JSHint warnings or errors
[x] Passing Tests
Normal Mode
[x] Write at least one acceptance test to try to define the behavior of the recipe component described below before trying to implement the component.
[x] Create an HTTP Mock for recepie tests
[x] User should be able to see quanity of each ingredient
[x] Create an adjust-recipe component that uses data returned from a route to
display a recipe, writing an acceptance test to drive the development of the
component from static HTML to data returned from a route.
Hard Mode
[ ] Using test driven development, add computed properties and component actions
that allow you dynamically modify the yield of a recipe.
Normal Mode
component that uses data returned from a route to display a recipe, writing an acceptance test to drive the development of the component from static HTML to data returned from a route.Hard Mode