TIY-LR-FEE-2015-June / assignments

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2.3 - Photo Site - Corbin Otwell #64

Open cbotwell opened 9 years ago

cbotwell commented 9 years ago


cbotwell commented 9 years ago

:link: Corbin's 2.3 Pull Request

cbotwell commented 9 years ago

@rtablada How does my basic html look?

cbotwell commented 9 years ago

:link: Corbin's Github Page for 2.3-photo-site

rtablada commented 9 years ago



I'm still reviewing code right now to see if you are doing things the hard way.

rtablada commented 9 years ago


Since you have a commit where things are working, see if you can't make regular columns using neat work.

You will need to group together the figcaption and image together and then it should be easier to make the columns work

cbotwell commented 9 years ago

Fixed logo text to always be centered.

cbotwell commented 9 years ago

Added pop-out menu on mobile. :iphone:

rtablada commented 9 years ago

:star: @cbotwell