TIY-LR-FEE-2015-June / assignments

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2.3-photo-site-marvin-santiago #65

Open marvinsantiago opened 9 years ago

marvinsantiago commented 9 years ago


marvinsantiago commented 9 years ago


marvinsantiago commented 9 years ago


marvinsantiago commented 9 years ago


marvinsantiago commented 9 years ago


Having issues with position under 1024px, my specs section (camera name/shutter speeds, etc). Its not wanting to shift down under the picture.

rtablada commented 9 years ago

@santiagomarvin only need one link to the PR. Also can you run gh-page-deploy so I can look at the site before pulling down code for general comments?

marvinsantiago commented 9 years ago

@rtablada sorry on the multiple PR links, got a little PR links trigger happy. i have ran gh-page-deploy per your request.

rtablada commented 9 years ago



I think your issue with the regular images and the specs could be solved by thinking of them more like a grid rather than position absolute.

Given a 12 col grid look at the shift function in Neat to help get the main image centered up and then specs should just be another column on the grid. I think from there it will make things a bit easier to work out?

marvinsantiago commented 9 years ago


-Text? are you referring to the 'Portraits' under the logo of the example?

rtablada commented 9 years ago

@santiagomarvin I have a lot of links to your github PR but no link to the site on gh pages?

rtablada commented 9 years ago

@santiagomarvin I'd like to see a bit of work go into the text and icons to make them feel a bit more "together". Right now they are out of line and the icons feel a bit small.

Also on the mobile view there's no room on the sides of the images so it feels a bit claustrophobic. Maybe some padding on your container at smaller screen sizes?

marvinsantiago commented 9 years ago

@rtablada I adjusted icons to same size of font in specs section, also adjusted line height between each line, added padding to the right for the icons. Also added padding to body when in mobile view.