TIY-LR-FEE-2015-June / assignments

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3.1-js-functions-Scott Green #79

Open scott6455 opened 9 years ago

scott6455 commented 9 years ago


scott6455 commented 9 years ago


rtablada commented 9 years ago

@scott6455 your PR link looks good, just need to finish the assignment and make sure you don't have syntax errors.

scott6455 commented 9 years ago

im not done with these problems yet and want to practice this because i need to stop...get help...google...read notes...before i can start a problem. im not even close to comfortable, ive had alot of distractions the past few weeks and i do have a theory on why my normally high memorization retention and why it is nearly at idle but its a moot point as far as im concerned and i do not expect you to stop and hold my hand, i do however expect to pull out of this funk...just want to let you know im trying and when you see partial or old assignments trickle in...that it is me 'trying to teach myself and jumpstart my study / learning skills' and also giving up on having a lesson understood, if not mastered before i am willing to push it to you. Please try not to laugh me out of class...i realize some are pitiful but ill fix them if i can. and if time with trello permits.

scott6455 commented 8 years ago
