When the stock of a product is manually edited up, that product's latest price row's stock should be increased by the given value. This assumes the price is what its currently set at.
When products are manually removed it is usually removing lost products. In this case by default the saldos of the oldest price batches should be decreased first. This way the lost products lead in to the least losses as product were usually cheaper in the past.
Should there also be an option to remove products from the latest batches first? If the admin accidentally buy in too many products they should be able to remove products from the latest batch.
Related to
When the stock of a product is manually edited up, that product's latest price row's stock should be increased by the given value. This assumes the price is what its currently set at.
When products are manually removed it is usually removing lost products. In this case by default the saldos of the oldest price batches should be decreased first. This way the lost products lead in to the least losses as product were usually cheaper in the past.
Should there also be an option to remove products from the latest batches first? If the admin accidentally buy in too many products they should be able to remove products from the latest batch.