TLATER / dotfiles

Dotfiles deployed with nix/home-manager. Feel free to take what you like!
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Clean up remaining dotfiles that don't comply with XDG_BASE_DIRS #22

Open TLATER opened 3 years ago

TLATER commented 3 years ago

Likely feasible

Less feasible

winston0410 commented 2 years ago

Hey I was doing the same thing, and I found this guide from Arch really useful.

And yes I want to remove .nix-* as well, thats well I bumped into your issue again.

TLATER commented 2 years ago

Heh, thanks, I've already fixed all things that were recorded on that wiki page, what's left are things that were either inaccurate, tied to nixos or not listed there :)

There was an unofficial roadmap for nix that included some stabilization of nix flakes, which would likely make ditching ~/.nix* easier to achieve. Of course this is behind schedule already (as always with software), but there is at least a push to finally making flakes happen. Once they're a little further down the road I'll probably revisit that issue upstream.

There are also some projects floating around that create modules for nixos which enable all these environment variables; it's worth looking into them, though when I started this they weren't yet usable enough. It might be worth contributing to those projects instead nowadays.

winston0410 commented 2 years ago


There are also some projects floating around that create modules for nixos which enable all these environment variables; it's worth looking into them, though when I started this they weren't yet usable enough. It might be worth contributing to those projects instead nowadays.

Can you name those? I don't want to do this by myself alone. It is tedious.

And I wonder if you have moved your ~/.Xresources into XDG CONFIG HOME? I have done that yesterday, ok with xrdb, but it is not picked up by many softwares I use (wezterm and brave). And I cannot find any environment variable for its path.

TLATER commented 2 years ago

Don't know the projects off the top of my head, sorry. I've not moved my Xresources yet, but only xrdb should read it; if other applications do they're doing it wrong.

winston0410 commented 2 years ago

I have just created a flake here, feel free to add anything in!

wesleyjrz commented 1 year ago

I put it in my configuration.nix to disable .esd_auth:

hardware.pulseaudio.extraConfig = "unload-module module-esound-protocol-unix";

Something that's very annoying for me is the .serverauth.* file, but I don't know how to disable it.

wesleyjrz commented 1 year ago

About .pki you can just move it to ~/.local/share/pki and it will work out-of-the-box with Firefox, but Chrome is hardcoded and keeps creating it in ~/.pki

TLATER commented 1 year ago

Nice to know, thanks!