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emacs: Improve package consumption #336

Closed TLATER closed 2 months ago

TLATER commented 2 months ago

This switches from use-package to leaf to fix byte compilation issues, and solves a few small issues with the current build process.

Also fixes biome/typescript-language-server not working while in web-mode, and adds eglot-x instead of hand-written mini functions to provide its functionality.

First pass on leaf is done, but I need to sit down and fix all the resulting bugs (e.g. smartparens not working). The current fix to tsx isn't great either, I should just add tsx-mode directly.

Leaf conversion is now properly done; only problem is that byte compilation seems to resolve my defvars to static values, which then end up with the compilation defaults, i.e. /tmp/.local/recentf and consorts.

Leaf conversion almost done, only thing left is to figure out how to fix org-roam-dailies.

Leaf conversion done!