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Mängumootori valik ja analüüs #14

Closed kloopman closed 1 year ago

kloopman commented 1 year ago

Mängumootori valik (Analüüs - milline on teie jaoks sobiv ja miks)

kloopman commented 1 year ago

Unity vs. Unreal: Head-to-Head Comparison

  | Unreal Engine | Unity -- | -- | -- Engine Type | Cross-platform | Cross-platform Developed by | Epic Games | Unity Technologies Programming Languages | C++ for development | C# for development Usage | Develop games for PCs, mobiles, consoles, and more | Develop games for PCs, mobiles, consoles, and more Features | A robust multiplayer framework, VFX, and particle simulation | 2D improvements, animation, creating snapshots Source Code | Open-source | Not open-source. Pricing | Free | Basic version is free Learning Curve | Difficult to learn | Easy to learn with an intuitive interface Graphics | Photorealistic graphics used in AAA games | Good overall graphics, but less refined than Unreal

The Best Game Engine for Beginners in 2023:

  1. Unity: Developed by Unity Technologies, Unity is one of the world’s most popular game engines and has been used to create some of the biggest titles in gaming.

It offers a comprehensive suite of tools, making it ideal for both beginners and veterans. It also supports multiple platforms, such as Windows, macOS, iOS and Android.

  1. Unreal Engine: Another popular engine is unreal game development engine. This powerful engine offers stunning graphics and various features such as dynamic lighting, physics-based particle effects, real-time global illumination and advanced post-processing effects.

Unreal game development is also cross-platform compatible and supports Windows, macOS, iOS, Android and multiple consoles.

  1. GameMaker: Game Maker from YoYo Games is a great game engine for beginners. It offers an intuitive drag-and-drop interface with built-in physics, animation tools and scripting language support. GameMaker also has various tutorials to help you get started quickly.

  2. CryEngine: Last but not least is CryEngine from Crytek. This advanced yet easy-to-use engine features powerful graphical capabilities such as real-time lighting and shading, particle effects and global illumination. It also comes with extensive documentation and sample projects to help you get up to speed quickly.

5.Phaser: Phaser is an open-source HTML5 game engine that is extremely popular among indie developers. It works on all modern browsers, making it a great choice for developing cross-platform games. Phaser offers a wide range of features, such as advanced physics systems, animation support, and simplified asset loading.

The community provides extensive tutorials and help with plugins available to extend the capabilities of this robust framework.

For those new to game development, Phaser is the best game engine for beginners to learn quickly due to its friendly learning curve. Phaser is one of the top game engines for creating amazing 2D and 3D browser-based games without spending too much money.

  1. Godot: Godot is a free and open-source game engine designed specifically for developers new to game development. It’s excellent for beginners as it comes with an easy-to-use editor, powerful scripting capabilities, and a helpful community of users. Godot supports multiple platforms for deployment, including Windows, Linux, macOS, HTML5, Android, iOS and more.

Game developers can use this feature to reach a wider audience across different operating systems without additional coding. Additionally, Godot has an extensive library of tools that help make the game development process easier and faster.

The Bottom Line There are several great game engines for beginners to choose from in 2023. Each engine has different features like unity 3D game development services that can help make the game development process easier or faster.

All these engines provide a supportive community which can be incredibly helpful for developers who are just starting out. Game developers should take their time to research each engine before making a decision about which one is best for them and their project.

With careful consideration, any beginner developer can find the perfect game engine for their next project in 2023.

About Juego Studios Juego Studios is a leading provider of Unity 3D game development services. As one of the best game engine for beginners, Unity 3D makes it easy for developers to create rich and immersive gaming experiences. With its powerful tools and features, Unity 3D allows developers to quickly build games that look great, run smoothly, and perform well on any platform.

At Juego Studios, they specialize in helping you bring your vision to life. Besides, they provide all the resources needed to develop top-tier Unity3D games from concept to launch.

kaiusk commented 1 year ago

Plaan on edasi minna Unity'ga, sest sellel mootoril on väga suur community ja leidub ka palju õpetusi. Kuigi meie mäng saab olema 2D ja põhimõtteliselt võiks seda teha ka veebis ja kasutada näiteks nõnda JS raamistiku, siis Unity's on olemas väga hea füüsika tugi ja seda on meie mängus kindlasti vaja.

Kairokas commented 1 year ago

Tere, omalt poolt arvan et meie jaoks on parim lahendus Unity kuna ta teeb enamus asju meie eest ära (füüsika, animatsioonid, valgustus jms.) ning varasemalt on sellega ka tehtud tööd Videomängude disaini aine raames. Kui võrrelda aga teda alternatiividega, näiteks Godotiga, siis on Unity laiemalt kasutusel tänu millele on juhendite ja abi leidmine tunduvalt lihtsam. Parima tulemuse saab Unityga kasutades C# programmeerimiseks kuid Godoti puhul peaks ära õppima Pythoniga sarnase keele, GDscripti, mida seal kasutatakse ning mis ei tundu tulevikuvaates eriti mõistlik otsus kui just ei kasuta seda mängumootorit veel kunagi. Uuritud allikate põhjal võib öelda, et kui tekib mingisugune problem mängumootoriga ja osata C++ programmeerimiskeelt, saaks selle kohe ära lahendada kui Unitys peaks leidma teise lahenduse asjale või ootama loojate poolt parandust. Godoti kasutatakse hetkel rohkem mobiilimängude loomiseks kui arvuti, mis ei ole ideaalis hea meie jaoks ning selle publitseerimisel peab mainima ka MIT litsentsi. Unreal Engine mängumootorist ei hakka lausa rääkimagi kuna allikad ei soovita seda algajatele. Justnimelt seepärast, et tal on keerulisem kasutajaliides ning üldiselt keerulisem seega õpikurv on järsem Kusjuures väga huvitav oli see, et uurides Unreali ja Unity vahet leidsin hoopiski fakti, et mõlemas mootoris saab lausa visuaale programmeerida (Unrealis enne ja siis toodi ka Unitysse), mida varasemalt ei teadnud.

kloopman commented 1 year ago

Lisatud kokkuvõte dokumenti.