TLeconte / vdlm2dec

vdl mode 2 SDR decoder
GNU General Public License v2.0
71 stars 23 forks source link

multiple UDP outputs? #43

Open kidshare opened 4 years ago

kidshare commented 4 years ago

Is it possible to output multiple UDP such as -j -j

TanerH commented 4 years ago

@kidshare if you're looking for a quick work-around, you can check out Samplicator -

It will run a daemon on your local machine that will listen on a port and then replicate the UDP packets to multiple destinations. You can simply point vdlm2dec to localhost:port

kevinelliott commented 3 years ago

@kidshare I second what @TanerH said here. Several of us are using this solution quite well (though native would be a great addition too).

kevinelliott commented 3 years ago

@kidshare It's not complete yet (read: alpha) and not for the faint at heart... but I've just published which will wrap vdlm2dec as well as acarsdec and dumpvdl2 and let you set an unlimited number of destination outputs (log files, udp remotes, and yes, also /