TMF is a mission making mod for Arma 3's 3D editor
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Admin Menu - Mission Maker's Notes do not support some commands. #435

Open Drofseh opened 2 years ago

Drofseh commented 2 years ago

I am trying to use both the <execute expression> and <marker name> tags in the admin briefing. These work correctly when viewing the admin briefing in the briefing itself, but when viewing the admin briefing as the Mission Maker's Notes in the admin menu nothing shows up.

To repo:

  1. Try this, works correctly
    tmf_briefing_admin = "test<br/>test<br/>test";
    player createDiaryRecord ["diary", ["Admin", tmf_briefing_admin]];
  2. Try this, does not work, expected behaviour would be to print True in System Chat
    testVar = true;
    tmf_briefing_admin = "<execute expression='systemChat str testVar'>Test execute expression tag</execute>";
    player createDiaryRecord ["diary", ["Admin", tmf_briefing_admin]];
Drofseh commented 2 years ago

It's possible other tags may or may not work, I haven't tested <img> or <font> yet.

<br/> does work correctly, as shown in the repo steps.

Drofseh commented 2 years ago

I think this is probably where it's failing.

Freddo3000 commented 2 years ago

Those tags aren't supported by Structured Text.