TMRh20 / TMRpcm

Arduino library for asynchronous playback of PCM/WAV files direct from SD card. Arduino Uno,Nano,Mega etc supported
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Get Duration Of An Audio File #141

Closed Iftikhar-Omar closed 2 years ago

Iftikhar-Omar commented 3 years ago

I'm using it on a blind assistance device. (Humanitarian Need :) )

I seriously need to get the durations of each file calculated automatedly as I must use that duration in logic. It's because whenever a file is being played it's super important in this context to finish playing that file.

Thanks, Please Help Me..

TMRh20 commented 3 years ago

For an 8-bit wav file, if you divide the file size by the sample rate, it should give you the duration in seconds:

Example for a file called "calibrat.wav":

File myFile;

void loop(){  

    if( == 'p'){ //send the letter p over the serial monitor to start playback
      uint32_t sampleRate = 0;
      uint32_t fileSize = 0;
      float lengthInSeconds = 0.00;
      myFile ="calibrat.wav");      
        Serial.println("SD is open");;
        sampleRate =;
        sampleRate |= (uint32_t)( << 8);
        sampleRate |= (uint32_t)( << 16);
        sampleRate |= (uint32_t)( << 24);
        fileSize = myFile.size()-44;
        lengthInSeconds = (float)(fileSize) / (float)(sampleRate) ;

        Serial.println("cant open sd");
      Serial.print("Length ");

Playback is timer-based so the actual duration may be slightly off due to timing inconsistencies, also depending on sample rate. You may need to add or subtract a bit of time to each calculation depending on how it works out in testing.

If possible, you could also use the isPlaying() function to simply detect when a file finishes playback.