TMondain / DECIDE_WP1

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Setup directory structure in common location on gws/ceh_generic/DECIDE #11

Open TMondain opened 2 years ago

simonrolph commented 2 years ago

I have cloned the DECIDE_WP1 repository into gws/ceh_generic/DECIDE and created a new branch called 'jasmin' which we can use for testing the jasmin implementation with file paths set up right and so on.

I've also created a data folder and copied a few things across but could you add the rest?

I think we just want the data to be able to run the scripts from here onwards, rather than all the original processing steps like making landcover from 25m to 100m resolution. As long as we have the processed 100m resolution file then that's grand.

If you get all the data files in there then I'll go through and edit file paths for the modelling scripts and see if I can successfully generate the outputs - which will go in the output folder. Then we know we're good to go.

TMondain commented 2 years ago

Nice one. I've started uploading some files but they're going to have to go via my group workspace as apparently I can't copy stuff directly into it. I'll let you know when I manage to copy them across to the common repo. It's likely to take a while.

The species data that's going on has not yet been updated with the new data that I received from BRC.