carbon accounting model
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preflight checks NM 2022-03-29 #143

Open sbassett opened 2 years ago

sbassett commented 2 years ago
sbassett commented 2 years ago

These are mostly a filtered version of the rawdata files prepended with _nmco\. As with the CO raw_data files, the records for the other state are deleted, and the file is saved with the appropriate name.

sbassett commented 2 years ago

Carbon stocks raw_data have "zone" fields as the unique identifier (e.g. 100002, 100003, 100004). I can't remember the code crosswalk to county/state for this, need to look it up before filtering and deleting the CO records.

Region 65 is the first region for NM per

Region < 65 will be deleted and then file will be saved as stocks_\<pool>_nm.csv

sbassett commented 2 years ago

I haven't convinced myself that the scenario files are correct yet for Thinning.

Historical and Current should be the same. The only Thinning practice present for these ambitions should be "Thinning_current". This practice should be the same level of implementation in all time periods.

Potential should be slightly different than Historical and Current (for thinning practices). "Thinning_current" should still be present with the same values for the start year 2021, but by 2030 ["end_area"] should be ZERO for all landcats. "Thinning_potential" should be present for the same landcats as "Thinning_current" but should start at ZERO in 2021 and then increase to 2.5x BAU rate (but with this practice) by 2030, and then go to 1x BAU rate by 2040, which then persists through 2100.

Maximum should have only "Thinning_current" and "Thinning_maximum". "Thinning_current" should start at Current rate in 2021 but then be ZERO by 2030 for all landcats. "Thinning_maximum" should start at zero and then reach the caluclated 10-year return interval in 2030, and then ease back to ZERO by 2040.

sbassett commented 2 years ago

ag_manage stats for NM brought from _conm_lc_params_testA.xls

aj1s commented 2 years ago

ref b376600

Initial run of 'runscript_writeInputs_NM.R' on COGEOPROC returns error: Error in eval(ei, envir) : object 'start_year' not found Though not yet a commit, I defined start_year and end_year at lines 32 and 33 (before they are called in line 34):

# updated hard-coded data
# reference year for calculating area changes from start year (this is the baseline year for landcover change in area_gis_files_orig [_co_landcat_area_sqm_2021_baseline.csv])
ref_year = 2001
start_year = 2022
end_year = 2050
diff_years = start_year - ref_year
scen_end_year = end_year - 1

Running the script then returns error: Error in file(file, "rt") : cannot open the connection which appears to be a pathway (or possibly file extension) error ...