carbon accounting model
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How are management practices applied to shrubland/savanna/woodland? #81

Closed sbassett closed 2 years ago

sbassett commented 2 years ago

Based on my current understanding only the Forest type has any of the forest management practices applied to it [so woodland and savanna get no Rx fire]. This needs to be confirmed in the code, but based on the lc_params.xls file, we might need to do some work to make sure we can model expected practices.

aj1s commented 2 years ago

Based on a surficial look at the CALAND() (w/o running so as to inspect individual dataframes, and man_area_sum.df in particular), all evidence I see indicates that:

(1) Rx burn is strictly a forest management practice (2) Savanna and woodland are subjected only to rangeland management practices (i.e., compost amendments at med_frequency (10yr) and low_frequency(30yr) intervals) that affect soil C fluxes only
(3) Practices between Forest and Rangeland / Cultivated are treated as mutually exclusive in area