TNG / ArchUnitNET

A C# architecture test library to specify and assert architecture rules in C# for automated testing.
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Verifying Method return value on async methods #228

Open JanSdot opened 4 months ago

JanSdot commented 4 months ago

Maybe I just don't know how to do it, but for me it seems that it is right now not possible to verify return parameters of a method, if that method is async, so actually return a Task<TReturn> where there Return is what you actually want to check.

It would be great if this would be added or a hint how this could be accomplished!

Great framework by the way!

carlreid commented 3 weeks ago

I think I have achieved this the following way:

protected readonly IEnumerable<System.Type> AwaitableTypes = [typeof(Task), typeof(Task<>), typeof(ValueTask), typeof(ValueTask<>)];

/// <summary>
/// Methods returning <see cref="Task"/>, <see cref="Task{TResult}"/>, <see cref="ValueTask"/>, <see cref="ValueTask{TResult}"/>
/// should have names that end with "Async".
/// <see href="">Naming Convention for Async Methods</see>
/// </summary>
public void Methods_ThatReturnAwaitableTypes_ShouldHaveAsyncSuffix()
    var rule = MethodMembers().That().HaveReturnType(AwaitableTypes)


I wanted to use .HaveNameEndingWith("Async");, but I think that might be checking the method name, plus arguments. For instance ExecuteAsync(bool something) is flagging up as a failure. Though with .HaveNameContaining("Async("); it passes.