TNG / ArchUnitNET

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Circular Dependency Issue when managing a whitelist of dependencies #255

Open BrunoBeraud opened 2 months ago

BrunoBeraud commented 2 months ago


Here's a test to check that my usecase class has only authorized dependencies

private readonly IObjectProvider<Interface> UseCaseInterfaces = Classes().That().HaveNameEndingWith("UseCase");

public void UseCasesNotHaveAnyDependenciesExceptCore()
    string[] whitelistDependenciesRegex = ["^System", ".*\\.Core\\..*"];
            pattern: string.Join("|", whitelistDependenciesRegex),
            useRegularExpressions: true)
            .Because("UseCases must contains only application business concern and must not be impacted by any infrastructure concern")

// Class to check
internal class GetAllUseCase(IRepository Repository) : IGetAllUseCase
    private IRepository _repository;

    public async Task<Result<IEnumerable<Entity>>> GetAllAsync()
        var resultat = await __repository.GetAllAsync();
        return Result<IEnumerable<Entity>>.Success(resultat);

In this example, the Core and System namespaces are the only authorized dependencies. Core contains the IRepository interface. The problem is that the "_repository" member of the usecase class is considered a dependency, which will cause the test to fail because "GetAllUseCase" depends on "GetAllUseCase"... I can't whitelist the GetAllUseCase class because I have several use cases and this test needs to cover them all but I don't want to allow them to depend on this one (in fact more generally I don't want any of them to depend on any of the others).

How do I do this?

Thank !