TNG / ArchUnitNET

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Static classes are verified as abstract classes. is this correct? #258

Closed jnormen closed 2 weeks ago

jnormen commented 2 months ago

I have a test where I check if I have abstract classes if so then I want it to check if the suffix is Base. But when I run the tests it complain on my Extensions classes and my Logger (source generated once.)

Non of them are marked as abstract. What do I miss? a bug? intented?

    public void Abstract_Classes_Should_Have_Base_Suffix()
            .Because("It's a design rule to name the abstract classes with the suffix 'Base'.")


Infrastructure.Loggers.ServiceLogger does have name ServiceLogger
Lindex.Core.WebApi.EndpointsExtension does have name EndpointsExtension

example of an logger extension:

  public static partial class ServiceLogger
        Level = LogLevel.Information,
        EventName = "ServiceStarting",
        Message = "Start service '{ServiceName}'")]
        public static partial void ServiceStarting(this ILogger logger, string serviceName);

in this case it's partial.

   public static class EndpointsExtension
        public static IEndpointRouteBuilder UseAllEndpoints(this IEndpointRouteBuilder builder)
jnormen commented 2 months ago

Think I know why. seams IL treat static and abstract as same :(

mak638 commented 1 month ago

Hi, unfortunately this is correct - static classes are automatically treated as abstract. But they are treated as sealed as well! Therefore if you want to check only abstract classes that are non-static you could try the following workaround:

public void Abstract_Classes_Should_Have_Base_Suffix()
        .Because("It's a design rule to name the abstract classes with the suffix 'Base'.")

Please let me know if this workaround works for you. If so maybe we can further improve our Class class :)

jnormen commented 1 month ago

Cool that seams to work :) Did not know about the sealed thing. Maybe I shall check the IL more often :)