TNG / please-cli

An AI helper for creating CLI commands
Apache License 2.0
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Issues on command regarding to folder path #20

Closed Liu233w closed 1 year ago

Liu233w commented 1 year ago

There are issues when I am trying to use following command:

❯ pl open the folder in intellij idea
💡 Command:
  I'm sorry, but as an AI language model, I don't have access to your local files. However, the command to open a folder in IntelliJ IDEA would be: `idea /path/to/folder` (replace `/path/to/folder` with the actual path to the folder).

If I change the wording to current folder, the result is like:

❯ pl open current folder in intellij idea
💡 Command:
  I do not know.

Expected result:

idea .

Context: alias pl="please -l"

thomas-endres-tng commented 1 year ago

Hi Shumin ... unfortunately not all commands will work. Please be aware that please does not know your folder structure and that we cannot change the way GPT4 is working internally here. Although the command seems logical to us, it might not be for the language model. You might tweak the prompts a bit, but every extra token will cost extra money for EVERY command. :-(

Liu233w commented 1 year ago

I tried to tweak the prompt a bit so it can refer current directory as . or $PWD but did not succeed. Maybe it just does not have enough data for intellij idea or GPT3.5 is not smart enough :joy:

thomas-endres-tng commented 1 year ago

Have you tried with the proxy and GPT4?

thomas-endres-tng commented 1 year ago

Seems to work with GPT-4.

`please open IntelliJ in the local folder 💡 Command: intellij-idea-community .

❗ What should I do? [use arrow keys to navigate] [I] Invoke [C] Copy to clipboard [A] Abort`

Liu233w commented 1 year ago

Thanks for experimenting. In some cases it can also output like intellij-idea . in GPT3, although the correct command is idea . I also tried the prompt like open the folder in vscode and it worked. So probably it is because the lack of data.