TNOCS / csWeb

csWeb, short for common sense Web, is a userfriendly web application for showing (GIS) data on a map. It allows you to apply multiple filters to filter your data, and to style it, so you can immediately see what's important.
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csWeb-sim layers to slippy maps #336

Open erikvullings opened 8 years ago

erikvullings commented 8 years ago

In order for others to use our map layers, offer them through csWeb-tile as slippy maps (layer/z/x/y.png).This means that we need to convert a feature style to a Carto css style.

Especially, we need to look for how to perform clustering of items. It may well be that this isn't supported directly in Carto, but there are some examples that achieve the same result by creating additional layers at lower zoom levels. E.g.

Alternatively, we could use heatmaps at lower zoom levels to cluster the data.

erikvullings commented 8 years ago

Also have a look at landspeed. It uses mapnik to create a simple wms server.