TNODevs / TNO-Bug-Tracker

Public bug submission tracker and forum for The New Order: Last Days of Europe
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USA McCormack tree missing #3315

Open jimbo0810 opened 2 weeks ago

jimbo0810 commented 2 weeks ago

Operating System

windows 11 home

HOI4 version

current version

TNO version

current version

Do you have other mods in use?

instant naval invasion, instant paratrooper drop, 2wrw mod, alantropia

Were you using Steam?


Which major expansions do you NOT have?

I have all


No response

Describe the bug

McCormack tree is completely missing

Steps to reproduce / Cause of the issue

once JFK is assassinated McCormack tree does not appear

Expected behaviour

McCormack tree should be there


image_2024-06-20_211047841 Screenshot 2024-06-20 210811

Additional information

No response

Marok132 commented 2 weeks ago

It's a save corruption. Start a new game and turn off the submods untill they get updates

jimbo0810 commented 2 weeks ago

all submods are up to date