TNRIS / iswp2017

Web application for the 2017 Texas State Water Plan
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Notes from MN's meeting with Speaker's staffer #1

Closed jseppi closed 8 years ago

jseppi commented 9 years ago

MOST IMPORTANT THING: Would be very good to have an initial pop-up (over a greyed-out backdrop of the current home screen?) asking the user: “What geographic area are you interested in viewing?” with the buttons for the choices (BY: state - region- county- water user). He really thinks that the initial entry is difficult - just facing the home page and trying to figure out what to do - and that something prompting users to make some kind of initial, orienting choice would be extremely useful.

He thought the map icon was too subtle - he didn’t realize that it was for adding map layers.

He really likes the idea of a bar graph alongside the map.

More descriptive hover pop-ups over terms like ‘need’ would be helpful.

A hover pop-up somehow over the county-based dots (where they are stacked) would be useful (that footnote already explains those stacked ones and could itself be the pop-up language)

He suggested the symbols for use categories (e.g. mining) and I showed him that TNRIS already came up with those and he liked them - he also thought a pop-up over the symbols explaining what they included would be great (e.g., mining includes oil and gas extraction).

He thought that the home-base map that also showed other states was distracting - i told him you’ve already dealt with this with the cleaner default map.

He thought the “Needs” view legend with the different color dots was too complicated looking - suggested maybe use something simpler like “red = 50-100%” instead of all the greater than symbols with dots between.

He thinks that views showing all users of a major or minor aquifer (not just by aquifer-county) will be very interesting views to include. I plan to include those but maybe not in the first draft edition - this will be another query from Sabrina I think.

It is important that selected views be clear as to what exactly they are showing to give users the confidence to rely on them with information that they might convey to others - I think we have enough notes to make the views clear but maybe there is a cleaner way to go so users don’t have doubt about where they landed.

jseppi commented 8 years ago

Closing. Most/all of this should be covered by new design.