we would also like to request that this form use the existing API Serializer and Template so we can continue to receive submissions via the Support System ticketing system.
Please let me know what additional information is needed.
@csidenblad I'm reaching out to @ctrepka to scope this out and make sure things will connect to the API correctly. I'll get back to you shortly and give you a better idea of a time frame.
We would like to request an option for Lakes of Texas feedback/questions to the tnris.org Contact Us form. https://tnris.org/contact/
@space-longoria could you add Lakes of Texas as a choice
Please create new form based on https://lake-gallery.tnris.org/about/#Contact
we would also like to request that this form use the existing API Serializer and Template so we can continue to receive submissions via the Support System ticketing system.
Please let me know what additional information is needed.