TOMToolkit / tom_base

The base Django project for a Target and Observation Manager
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Use cases for a TOM-Rubin Science Platform (RSP)/Firefly Interface #990

Open rachel3834 opened 1 month ago

rachel3834 commented 1 month ago

This seemed like a good place to capture some use-cases for the new Firefly and RSP tools that we've been working on. @phycodurus Please feel free to reorganize this however you think best.

Use-case 1: Query the RSP for Rubin Targets around a given sky location

As a science user of the TOM, I want to see what data Rubin has on the targets of my choice. I want to submit a cone search to the RSP from my TOM, sending a central RA and Dec and a search radius, and receive back a summary of LSST-discovered objects, and the data available from the RSP. These should be presented in a tabular summary where I can click a checkbox to indicate which targets I wish to create in my TOM.

If any of these targets can be matched against existing targets in my TOM according to my TOM's match manager, I want the data provided by the RSP to be attributed to the existing TOM targets. Note that due to Rubin's greater resolution, in some cases Rubin may recognize that a single target in my TOM is actually multiple Rubin targets.
If no existing target can be matched against the new Rubin entries, then new Targets should be created in my TOM. In all cases, the up to date lightcurve information for each target should be ingested into the TOM for all Rubin passbands.

Use-case 2: Query the RSP for Rubin Data Release products for a specific Rubin object

Rubin alert data products will be released to the science community via the alert brokers whereas prompt and data release products (more carefully reduced timeseries data) will be released via the RSP. Rubin expects to do annual data releases of re-processed timeseries photometry, and the RSP is likely to serve the products from several data releases.

As a Rubin science use, I have already learned about a Rubin-discovered target via an alert from my preferred broker. I therefore already have the corresponding Rubin ID. I would like to query the RSP to obtain the timeseries photometry in all Rubin passbands from one or more of the available data releases. This may include simulated targets from Data Preview datasets.
To do this, I would like to click a button from the Target Detail Page in my TOM which submits the query to the RSP, and ingests the resulting photometry to my TOM. This may need to have a pulldown menu for the user to indicate which data release to query.

Use-case 3: Explore user-provided tabular data with Firefly linked plots

As a TOM science user, I have a tabular dataset produced from an analysis relevant to my science. There are several potential examples, but a common use-case is color and magnitude measurements for a set of stars. In this case, the table would take the form: Star ID | magnitude | color The stars listed may or may not relate to Targets in the TOM. The color measurement is calculated by measuring the stars brightness in different passbands in magnitudes and calculating the difference between those magnitudes. For this reason the format of the table is flexible and may include magnitudes in the different passbands and may or may not include the color value. At minimum it would have at least one magnitude and one color column or two magnitudes and no color - in which case the color should be calculated from the two magnitude columns.

I would like to upload this tabular data to my TOM. It may be associated with a non-localized sky region (such as stellar cluster) or with a specific Target, and the data may be provided in csv or FITS binary table format. Once uploaded, I would like to be able to load this data into firefly, and chose which columns to plot. The resulting plot should make use of the brushing and linking features so that I can click on a table entry and see it highlighted in the plot, or vice versa.