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Get Started Building GUIs using Fyne #14

Closed andydotxyz closed 2 years ago

andydotxyz commented 2 years ago

Talk Topic

Getting started building your first cross-platform native app using Go and Fyne.

Talk Description

An overview of how easily anyone can start building gui apps with Go and Fyne. From hello world to App Store distribution in a few short steps. Covering app layout, widgets, data access and more. Plus a quick overview of powerful advanced features too.

Talk Audience Level


taikedz commented 2 years ago

Hi @andydotxyz - thanks for your talk offer :-)

Would you want to do this as a lightning talk (5-10 minutes?) or a full talk? (20-45min) ?

Next event for lightning talks would be in June ; next session for a full-length talk in May, or in August (the latter providing we can book Codebase given that it could be festival period).

andydotxyz commented 2 years ago

Sorry, I didn't think to add as I was asked to add this to fill a lightning spot this week. I guess that is now filled so I can offer either. I can cover the content above in 7 minutes, or do an expanded version with more details at around 30 - 40 mins.

taikedz commented 2 years ago

@andydotxyz Second full-talk at the May event would be superb if you would be up for it ?

andydotxyz commented 2 years ago

I guess having jumped in and presented lightning version last week this may be done.

If there is a future desire to have a longer version with code and tool demos I'd be happy - but don't want to re-visit the podium too fast :).

taikedz commented 2 years ago

Thanks very much @andydotxyz for jumping in last-second last week ! Verycool stuff :D

Marking as delivered 👍