TPRU-India / OG-India

Overlapping Generations Model for India
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Estimates for alpha_T and alpha_G for the OG-India model #14

Open adc2-tpru opened 5 years ago

adc2-tpru commented 5 years ago

alpha_T is a ratio of Govt transfers on social welfare schemes. As per national accounts data for the year 2016-17, govt current expenditure on social welfare schemes was Rs.28,42,100 crores including compensation of employees of Rs.10,71,724 crores. Thus excluding these compensation, the current expenditure comes to Rs. 17.71 lakh crores. As a % of GDP for this year (Rs.121 lakh crores), alpha-T comes to 0.15. alpha_G is a ratio of Govt capital expenditure i.e. non-transfer expenditure. As per the national accounts this comes to Rs.7.74 lakh crores. Accounting for compensation to employees of Rs.10.71 lakh crores paid under current expenditure as capital expenditure on goods and services, we get capital expenditure as Rs. 18.45 lakh crores. As a % of GDP it is 0.15 as well. data source: