Categorical Depth Distribution Network for Monocular 3D Object Detection (CVPR 2021 Oral)
Apache License 2.0
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Training on nuscenes dataset #107

Open thom966 opened 2 years ago

thom966 commented 2 years ago

Hello CaDDN author, thank you for your great work.

I am trying to train the model using nuscenes dataset. So, I have modified the config yaml file but I received an error /backbones_3d/ffe/", line 51, in forward images = batch_dict["images"] KeyError: 'images'

It seems like the dataloader extracts batch of data for lidar only, not camera front view.


Does it need explicit code modification in /CaDDN/tools/train_utils/ file to train on nuscenes?

Look forward for any suggestions. Thank you for your time.

Ng-Alexjc commented 1 year ago

Hello Thom, may i know how to modify the model config yaml file for nuscenes? i've never done it before. Or where can i get some information about this? thank you.