Categorical Depth Distribution Network for Monocular 3D Object Detection (CVPR 2021 Oral)
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How to use ip_basic get dense depth map on waymo dataset #62

Closed revisitq closed 2 years ago

revisitq commented 2 years ago

Thank for your great work! I'm confuse about how to generate depth map on waymo dataset. First I project lidar point to image plane and get sparse depth map. Then I use ip_basic to get the dense depth map, but it looks not good, just as follow: image

zhouzheyuan commented 2 years ago

hi, how do you solve this problem?

revisitq commented 2 years ago

hi, how do you solve this problem?

Hi. Fisrt I convert waymo format data to kitti fromat use mmdetection3d. Then I try to project lidar point into camera plane to get sparse depth map and use ip_basic to get dense depth map later. But I found that didn't work well and I just get the depth map as above. Then I found that we can get camera-project points directly by the official dataset tools. Hope that can help you, but I still comfuse about why I can't get the right sparse depth map by project lidar points into camera plane. Maybe there are some bugs during convert waymo to kitti.

zhouzheyuan commented 2 years ago

Thanks a lot. I have got the right dense depth map by the official tools and ip_basic codes. 👍