Categorical Depth Distribution Network for Monocular 3D Object Detection (CVPR 2021 Oral)
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Can I change the lidar coordinate to camera coordinate? #75

Closed rockywind closed 2 years ago

rockywind commented 2 years ago

Hi, I have eight camera data. The 3D lable is similar to KITTI style, it is based on camera coordinate. I think the network would be confused if converted to lidar coordinate. But, the generated voxel and anchors setting are based on lidar coordinate. What can I do to change the code based on camera coordinate?

codyreading commented 2 years ago

Yup you can change to camera coordinates, and the network should work the same. Just as you mentioned you would have to change LiDAR coordinate specific settings like voxel and anchor settings. These would need to be adjusted anyway for different datasets.

codyreading commented 2 years ago

The code in the Frustum Grid Generator assumes you transform to the LiDAR coordinates, so you will need to remove the LiDAR-Camera transformation in this file.

rockywind commented 2 years ago

Hi, Thank you for your help. I have a question. When I removed the LiDAR-Camera transformation, the max depth is only 5.9. I don't konw how to fixed this issue. `import torch import torch.nn as nn import kornia

from pcdet.utils import transform_utils, grid_utils, depth_utils

class FrustumGridGenerator(nn.Module):

def __init__(self, grid_size, pc_range, disc_cfg):
    Initializes Grid Generator for frustum features
        grid_size [np.array(3)]: Voxel grid shape [X, Y, Z]
        pc_range [list]: Voxelization point cloud range [X_min, Y_min, Z_min, X_max, Y_max, Z_max]
        disc_cfg [int]: Depth discretiziation configuration
    self.dtype = torch.float32
    self.grid_size = torch.as_tensor(grid_size)
    self.pc_range = pc_range
    self.out_of_bounds_val = -2
    self.disc_cfg = disc_cfg

    # Calculate voxel size
    pc_range = torch.as_tensor(pc_range).reshape(2, 3)
    self.pc_min = pc_range[0]
    self.pc_max = pc_range[1]
    self.voxel_size = (self.pc_max - self.pc_min) / self.grid_size

    # Create voxel grid
    # self.depth, self.width, self.height =
    self.depth  =[2]
    self.width  =[0]
    self.height  =[1]
    self.voxel_grid = kornia.utils.create_meshgrid3d(depth=self.depth,

    self.voxel_grid = self.voxel_grid.permute(0, 1, 3, 2, 4)  # XZY-> XYZ # ([1, 280, 376, 25, 3])

    # Add offsets to center of voxel
    self.voxel_grid += 0.5
    self.grid_to_lidar = self.grid_to_lidar_unproject(pc_min=self.pc_min,

def grid_to_lidar_unproject(self, pc_min, voxel_size):
    Calculate grid to LiDAR unprojection for each plane
        pc_min [torch.Tensor(3)]: Minimum of point cloud range [X, Y, Z] (m)
        voxel_size [torch.Tensor(3)]: Size of each voxel [X, Y, Z] (m)
        unproject [torch.Tensor(4, 4)]: Voxel grid to LiDAR unprojection matrix
    x_size, y_size, z_size = voxel_size
    x_min, y_min, z_min = pc_min
    x_min,y_min,z_min = -30,-1, 2#2,-30,-1 # wxq
    unproject = torch.tensor([[x_size, 0, 0, x_min],
                              [0, y_size, 0, y_min],
                              [0,  0, z_size, z_min],
                              [0,  0, 0, 1]],
                             dtype=self.dtype)  # (4, 4)

    return unproject

def transform_grid(self, voxel_grid, grid_to_lidar, lidar_to_cam, cam_to_img):
    Transforms voxel sampling grid into frustum sampling grid
        grid [torch.Tensor(B, X, Y, Z, 3)]: Voxel sampling grid
        grid_to_lidar [torch.Tensor(4, 4)]: Voxel grid to LiDAR unprojection matrix
        lidar_to_cam [torch.Tensor(B, 4, 4)]: LiDAR to camera frame transformation
        cam_to_img [torch.Tensor(B, 3, 4)]: Camera projection matrix
        frustum_grid [torch.Tensor(B, X, Y, Z, 3)]: Frustum sampling grid
    B = lidar_to_cam.shape[0]

    # Create transformation matricies
    V_G = grid_to_lidar  # Voxel Grid -> Cam/LiDAR (4, 4)
    C_V = lidar_to_cam  # LiDAR -> Camera (B, 4, 4)
    I_C = cam_to_img  # Camera -> Image (B, 3, 4)
    # trans = C_V @ V_G
    eye_matric = torch.eye(C_V.shape[1], C_V.shape[2]).repeat(C_V.shape[0],1,1).to(V_G.device)
    trans =  eye_matric @ V_G

    # Reshape to match dimensions
    trans = trans.reshape(B, 1, 1, 4, 4)
    voxel_grid = voxel_grid.repeat_interleave(repeats=B, dim=0)

    # Transform to camera frame
    camera_grid = kornia.transform_points(trans_01=trans, points_1=voxel_grid)

    # Project to image
    I_C = I_C.reshape(B, 1, 1, 3, 4)
    image_grid, image_depths = transform_utils.project_to_image(project=I_C, points=camera_grid)

    # Convert depths to depth bins
    image_depths = depth_utils.bin_depths(depth_map=image_depths, **self.disc_cfg)

    # Stack to form frustum grid
    image_depths = image_depths.unsqueeze(-1)
    frustum_grid =, image_depths), dim=-1) # ([2, 280, 376, 25, 3])
    return frustum_grid

def forward(self, lidar_to_cam, cam_to_img, image_shape):
    Generates sampling grid for frustum features
        lidar_to_cam [torch.Tensor(B, 4, 4)]: LiDAR to camera frame transformation
        cam_to_img [torch.Tensor(B, 3, 4)]: Camera projection matrix
        image_shape [torch.Tensor(B, 2)]: Image shape [H, W]
        frustum_grid [torch.Tensor(B, X, Y, Z, 3)]: Sampling grids for frustum features

    frustum_grid = self.transform_grid(,

    # Normalize grid
    image_shape, _ = torch.max(image_shape, dim=0)
    image_depth = torch.tensor([self.disc_cfg["num_bins"]], device=image_shape.device, dtype=image_shape.dtype)
    frustum_shape =, image_shape))
    frustum_grid = grid_utils.normalize_coords(coords=frustum_grid, shape=frustum_shape)

    # Replace any NaNs or infinites with out of bounds
    mask = ~torch.isfinite(frustum_grid)
    frustum_grid[mask] = self.out_of_bounds_val

    return frustum_grid # [2, 280, 376, 25, 3]


codyreading commented 2 years ago

Did you adjust the voxel grid settings in the dataset_config file? You need to adjust that to match the new coordinate system.