TRAIS-Lab / dattri

`dattri` is a PyTorch library for developing, benchmarking, and deploying efficient data attribution algorithms.
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API Design Proposal for AUC Function Implementation #10

Closed sx-liu closed 5 months ago

sx-liu commented 5 months ago


The benchmark needs a method to evaluate the effectiveness or precision of data attribution methods. One way to do so is to calculate the AUC (area under curve). The AUC measures the probability that a score randomly selected from a class of mislabeled data is greater than that of a class of clean data. To get an estimation of AUC, we can first manually introduce noises to our dataset by flipping the labels.

API Design

def flip_label(label: Union[np.ndarray, torch.Tensor], 
               label_space: Union[list, np.ndarray, torch.Tensor] = None,
               p: float = 0.1) -> Tuple[Union[np.ndarray, torch.Tensor], list]:
    Randomly flip the labels with the given probability.

    If the labels are binary, it will just be filpped to its contrary.
    If the labels are multi-class, then a random false label will be picked to
    replace the original label. This is a way to manually introduce noises to 
    the dataset.

    :param label: A list of labels of shape (N,) from input data.
    :param label_space: A list of unique numbers indicating the valid range 
           of valid values for labels, can be omitted.
    :param p: Noise ratio, the ratio of flipped labels.
    :return: A tuple of a list of noisy labels with certain entries flipped 
     and a list of positions where the labels are flipped
def noise_detection_auc(scores: Union[list, np.ndarray], noise_index: Union[list, np.ndarray]) -> Tuple[float, list]:
    Given the list of influence scores and indices of noise data, calculate the AUC using sorting algorithm.

    :param scores: The self-attribution scores of shape (N,), generated from the method we want to evaluate
    :param noise_index: A list of indices where the labels are manually added noise (flipped).
    :return: A tuple of a float value indicating AUC calculated as a probability and a list of 
    detection rates at different threshold values.


With pytorch datasets, one can randomly flip the labels like this,

mnist_dataset = torchvision.datasets.MNIST(root='./data', train=True, transform=transform, download=True)
labels_list = mnist_dataset.targets
flipped_labels, noise_index = flip_label(labels_list)
mnist_dataset.targets = flipped_labels

With the calculated influence scores and the noise index, one can evaluate auc like this,

auc, detection_rates = noise_detection_auc(scores, noise_index)
n_train = len(detection_rates)
plt.plot(100 * np.arange(n_train) / n_train,  detection_rates)


TheaperDeng commented 5 months ago

For flip_label:

The function is overall OK. Please implement it under dattri/datasets/ Please make label's specification clearer (e.g., what should the shape of tensor be like). Please change label_range to label_space and state the format of this parameter more clearly.

TheaperDeng commented 5 months ago

For evaluate_auc:

  1. Call it noise_detection_auc.
  2. Change IF_scores to score, there are many data attribution methods other than IF.
  3. State that this score should be self-attribution score.
TheaperDeng commented 5 months ago

Please revise the issue again and AT me for review before you implement anything.

sx-liu commented 5 months ago

@TheaperDeng Please review the updated issue. Thanks!

TheaperDeng commented 5 months ago

What exactly does noise_detection_auc return? I suggest maybe it should be better if you could make it a tuple.

Return (Tuple[float, Tuple[float, ...]]):
A tuple with 2 items. The first is the AUROC (or generally speaking, the AUC),
the second is a Tuple with `fpr, tpr, thresholds` just like

Acturally, when you implement this function, do refer to the source code of sklearn (we would better not depend on sklearn).

Others LGTM

jiaqima commented 5 months ago

Minor suggestion: noise_detection_auc -> mislabel_detection_auc?