TREC-Agroecology / hemp

This is the organization and research for the UF/IFAS Industrial Hemp Pilot Project
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Florida Fiber industry 1895 #18

Closed wdlngtn closed 4 years ago

wdlngtn commented 4 years ago

I found a book about the Florida fiber industry written in 1895 (The Fibre Bearing Plants of Florida). They describe Agave sisalana as "Florida Hemp," the also refer to manila hemp (banana), invasive Urena lobata (congo jute), Bromelia sylvestris, pineapple, and Ramie in detail.

No where is cannabis mentioned, but all these fibers are referred to as hemp.

THis is additional evidence that there has never actually been a sativa production here for fiber

wdlngtn commented 4 years ago

wdlngtn commented 4 years ago