TREC-Agroecology / hemp

This is the organization and research for the UF/IFAS Industrial Hemp Pilot Project
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TREC Cornell trial SOP 2022 #89

Closed Danielcalza closed 1 year ago

Danielcalza commented 2 years ago

Project Information Overview

To Do: Review checklist

Project Objectives - To evaluate hemp (Cannabis sativa) varieties. Project Description - 2 variety x 4 reps. (8 plots). Field size: L 46’ x W 34’. (0.04 ac). Plot size: L 20’ x W 4’. (80 sqft). Field Design - Blocked by replication, 4 reps.. Field Diagrams - Maps can be found on TEAMS. Projected Start Date- Late May. Projected End Date- September/October. Project Manager(s)- Daniel, Ajit, Tamara. Projected Planting Date- May 24th, 2022 (5/24/2022). Crop(s)- Hemp (Cannabis sativa). Irrigation - Solid set: over-head sprinklers. Applications - Pre-plant and split fertilizer (3). Post-plant herbicide.
Planting methods - By hand or planters (Earthways). Data Collection & Sampling - Stand establishment and Harvest. Project Maintenance - Weeding as needed. Equipment needed - Moldboard plow, Harrow disk, mound shaper, others - TBD. Field crew assistance - Yes. For irrigation and land preparation. _

Land Request

Preferred block- Block 1. Section- Center/ Middle. Area/Acres requested- Total area: L 205' x W 66'. (0.31 ac). Greenhouse - NA. To Do Complete TREC Land Request Complete TREC Greenhouse Request Request faculty sponsor to complete UFarm request.

Land Preparation

Cultivation (mowing, moldboard plow, disc and level the field, form raised beds, drilling holes, etc.) - Standard cultivation. Row Length - L 25' x W 12'. (300 sqft). In-Row Spacing - ? Between-Row Spacing - 1.5' Field Buffers - 30-40'. Seeding? (Direct, Broadcast, Incorporated, Drill, Earthway, etc.) - Yes. Earthways. Transplants? - No. Support Structure (Rebar, String, etc.) - No. Plastic Mulch? - No. Full image of field layout, design, and plot arrangement - Available on TEAMs. Date to complete land preparation - 5/2-3. To Do: Update checklist Complete TREC field preparation request Row Crop Plastic Culture Fruit Crop


Drip Tape? (drip placement, emitter spacing, flow-rate GPM/100 ft., etc.) - NA. Solid set? (overhead irrigation, micro-sprinkler) - Solid set: over-head sprinklers. Irrigation Timing (frequency and trigger) - As needed*

Label Name - SUPER FRUITER. Analysis rates (NPK, etc.) - [6-3-16]. Application rate per acre - Target rate of 112lb. Application method (banded on top of the bed, soil incorporation, etc.) - Soil incorporation. Application timing and frequency - Once before planting. Lab or field personnel - Daniel, Ajit, Jose. To Do: Update checklist Fertilizer request form

Herbicide Application

Label Name - Dual Magnum. Active ingredient(s) and concentration - S-metolachlor, benoxacor. Resistance Management: Group 15 Herbicide. Restricted Entry Interval (REI): 24 hours. Application rate per acre - 1 pint. Application method (pre-plant broadcast incorporated, shank or drip applied, etc.) - pre-planting, sprayer. Application timing and frequency - Once at pre-planting. Lab or field personnel - Daniel, Ajit, Jacob. To Do: Update checklist Worker Protection Standard Training Review "Training Workers and Handlers under the 2016 Revision Requirements" by Frederick M. Fishel. Found in the TREC network Unit drive > TREC Pesticide Use information > WPS information Pesticide/Herbicide request form

Project Maintenance Events

Research treatment application - Observational. Weeding - As needed. Scouting - As needed. For rouge plants and pests. Sampling - THC content? Harvesting and Sampling - Project removal - September/October. To Do: Update checklist Equipment Request Complete TREC fieldwork request well ahead of maintenance events.

Data Collection & Sampling

Database - TEAMs, GitHub. Data type - Data storage - Metadata - Data collection Protocols - Timing - Logistics Sample processing and analysis Protocols - Timing - Logistics - _


_ What important decisions are next to be made or remain a challenge?

What could possibly go wrong?

Danielcalza commented 1 year ago

@Tamara729, @AjitWX, please update with any missing information.