TREC-Agroecology / hemp

This is the organization and research for the UF/IFAS Industrial Hemp Pilot Project
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Grain and Fiber N Timing 2023 SOP #94

Open Danielcalza opened 1 year ago

Danielcalza commented 1 year ago

Project Overview

To Do: Review [check list]( )

Project Objectives - To determine grain and fiber hemp (Cannabis sativa) response to winter cultivation. Project Description - Grain & Fiber Observational Study Project Protocol - 3 varieties x 4 reps. Field size: 395' x 66' Plot size: Field Design - RCB with 4 reps. Blocked by replication. Field Diagrams - Maps can be found on TEAMS. Projected Start Date- Late November, Early December. Projected End Date- Late March. Project Manager(s)- All Lab. Projected Planting Date- 11/ . Crop(s)- Hemp: Grain and Fiber - cv. Abound, SS-Beta, Yuma Irrigation - Solid set: over-head sprinklers. Applications - 50 lbs per acre. Planting methods - Center of mounds. Monosam planter. Data Collection & Sampling - Project Maintenance - Weeding as needed. Equipment needed - Moldboard plow, Harrow disk, raised bed shaper, roto-tiller, herbicide wagon, others - TBD. Field crew assistance - Yes. For irrigation and land preparation. _

Land Request

Preferred block- Block 1.
Area/Acres requested-
Greenhouse - No. 

To Do: Update [check list]( ) -[] Complete TREC Land Request -[] Request faculty sponsor to complete UFarm request.

Land Preparation

Cultivation (mowing, moldboard plow, disc and level the field, form raised beds, drilling holes, etc.) - Standard cultivation. Row Length - L 25' x W 12'. (300 sqft). In-Row Spacing - ? Between-Row Spacing - 1.5' Field Buffers - 30-40'. Seeding? (Direct, Broadcast, Incorporated, Drill, Earthway, etc.) - Yes, Monosam. Transplants? - No. Support Structure (Rebar, String, etc.) - No. Plastic Mulch? - No. Full image of field layout, design, and plot arrangement - Maps and layouts can be found on TEAMS. Date to complete land preparation - To Do: Update [check list]( ) -[] Complete TREC field preparation request -[] Row Crop


Drip Tape? (drip placement, emitter spacing, flow-rate GPM/100 ft., etc.) - NA.
Solid set? (overhead irrigation, micro-sprinkler) - Solid set - overhead.
Irrigation Timing (frequency and trigger) - As needed*
   *[Once per week for the first 2-3 weeks to germinate and establish**].
Irrigation Amount (per application) - 1 inch.

To Do: Update [check list]( ) -[] Complete TREC fieldwork request for irrigation.

Fertilizer Application

Label Name - 
Analysis rates (NPK, etc.) - 
Application rate per acre:
Application method (banded on top of the bed, soil incorporation, etc.) - Pre-plant incorporated. 
Application timing and frequency - TBD.
Lab or field personnel - All Lab.

To Do: Update [check list]( ) -[] Fertilizer request form

Herbicide Application

Label Name - Dual Magnum.
Active ingredient(s) and concentration - S-metolachlor, benoxacor.
Resistance Management: Group 15 Herbicide.
Restricted Entry Interval (REI): 24 hours.
Application rate per acre - 1 pint.
Application method (pre-plant broadcast incorporated, shank or drip applied, etc.) - pre-planting, sprayer.
Application timing and frequency - Once at pre-planting.
Lab or field personnel - All Lab.

To Do: Update [check list]( ) -[] Worker Protection Standard Training -[] Review "Training Workers and Handlers under the 2016 Revision Requirements" by Frederick M. Fishel. -[] Found in the TREC network Unit drive > TREC Pesticide Use information > WPS information -[] Pesticide/Herbicide request form

Project Maintenance Events

Research treatment application - None - TBD.
Weeding - PRE: Dual Magnum.** POST: cultivation or hooded applications.
Scouting - Weekly.
Sampling -
Harvesting and Sampling -
Project removal - March.

To Do: Update [check list]( ) -[] Equipment Request -[] Complete TREC fieldwork request well ahead of maintenance events.

Data Collection & Sampling

Database - TEAMS, GitHub.
Data type: _ TBD



What important decisions are next to be made or remain a challenge?

What could possibly go wrong?

Danielcalza commented 1 year ago

@AjitWX @Tamara729